Wednesday, March 29, 2006

No Sweat

After three days of harassing phone calls, I finally procured a date with the doc. I hate harassing secretaries (having endured many a night in the Dante’s Inferno of the box office) but I finally accomplished my objective. Unfortunately I’ll have to miss Intro to Advocacy on Friday, but when I went in this morning for my mandatory “conference” about my Appellate Brief, she said it’s only a question-and-answer session for the brief I intend to have done by Thursday evening, and there’s always the possibility that no one will have any questions and after ten minutes in class we’ll be released. So I think cognitive care is of considerable more importance at the moment.

American Idol last night had the scent of Templeton’s egg from Charlotte’s Web in terms of quality. What was with everybody picking awful songs that they couldn’t do justice anyway? And were the judges abnormally prickly, or was that just me? Good news, though, at least in my world - Gilmore Girls recommences their new episodes next week. Rah rah rah!

Civil Procedure this morning found me in the hot seat - I discussed two cases in class while miraculously managing to avoid looking like a complete idiot. The only question he asked to which I didn’t proffer a correct reply was why one case was filed in the District of Columbia rather than the plaintiff’s homeland Virginia - turns out the DoC is 65% black and the plaintiff was, too, so (compared to VA) the plaintiffs had a greater chance of procuring a sympathetic jury. But even the professor admitted he didn’t expect me to be able to rattle off such a seemingly insubstantial piece of trivia... so, all in all, a seeming success. And I didn't even drip sweat or shake like I did last semester.