Monday, May 1, 2006

A Mystical Hamlet

This whole “honor code” thing at school just blows my mind sometimes. People will leave their backpack open and belongings strewn about a desk to go to the bathroom or visit the cafeteria, purse clearly discernible and laptop prominently displayed…. and nobody touches it. Any place else in the world, those items would be picked over in minutes, but not here. I, of course, won’t go anywhere without my stuff surgically affixed to my side because I don’t trust anybody under any conditions, but that’s another precautionary tale.

It’s a “reading day” today, which in legalese roughly translates to “last day to panic for your first exam.” The school is largely deserted - I have an entire classroom to myself, and the building feels abandoned. Everyone’s congregated in the library, which I studiously avoid due to the oppressive, generally frantic atmosphere that I absorb like a sponge. I don’t need any help driving myself insane, thanks; I’m doing a superb job on my own.

We’re supposed to reach the upper 60’s today before coaxing through the 70’s for the ensuing work week. The big news is an imminent threat of “severe” thunderstorms this afternoon, capable of producing hail and damaging winds. You know, I really don’t like Wisconsin, but living next to the lake certainly has its advantages - we’re rarely subjected to particularly zealous weather conditions.

I called the Geek Squad about my computer today. The answering Geek looked in the system and confirmed that “they” received the computer and it was assigned to a tech on the 27th, but said militant has yet to enter a price estimate. The Geek claims she’ll call this afternoon and attempt to procure one for me, but I’d equate the chances of that happening akin to a solar eclipse tonight, so I’ll just phone every morning right at 10 when the store opens until the Geeks are so sick of me they do something about it. On a related note, who is “they,” anyway? The computer was “sent out,” but sent where? To some mystical hamlet in the sky populated by technology wizards?