Tuesday, April 18, 2006

When it Rains...

Boy… when it rains, it pours. I was sitting in the auditorium this morning and had just cracked my computer. I uncapped my bottle of water to take a drink, and just as I was returning it to the desk, some moron slides behind me and clips the back of my chair with remarkable force via his monster backpack (which must have contained bricks), causing my bottle of water to falter and slosh over the lower right portion of my keyboard. Chaos ensued, involving me frantically attempting to siphon all the water out with Kleenex and shaking like a leaf. Obviously I couldn’t go to class without a computer, so I drove home to my apartment, stopping on the way at the only open Office Supply store (Staples) to see if they sold keyboards that could plug into USB ports (of course not, that would be too easy). So while I was surfing online to check the inventory of the local Circuit City and Best Buy for the same, I attempted to dry the keyboard with a hair dryer. Well, the chintzy, flimsy little plastic keys on the keyboard shriveled up like prunes. Six letters literally dried up like raisins and popped off within seconds. I just can’t believe it. Luckily I have all my important files backed up on two flash drives so I won’t lose anything, but jeez. I could just shoot myself. I’m going to stand outside Best Buy at 9:50 and zoom in right at 10 to assault the resident geeks. Argh!