Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Well, I’m as nervous as an enchanted cob of corn waddling past a pack of people making popcorn over a campfire. Strange simile, but that’s the effect of sleep deprivation. I have to give a ten minute oral presentation of my Appellate Brief on Wednesday morning, and then next week (Monday evening) I have to give it again, this time in front of a patch of fascimilie judges consisting of Champaign-area lawyers, who will have liberty to question, drill interrogate and otherwise scare the poop out of us during our presentation. Wahoo.

On Friday, driving home, I listened to a two-hour biography of Elizabeth Taylor on Sirius. Holy cow, I’ve never heard of anyone flittering from marriage to marriage as she did! Although, as the narrator pointed out, she always married the men she canoodled with rather than just traipsing around. And I never realized she struggled with so many illnesses - in fact, she almost died of pneumonia. I was kind of hoping they would mention my favorite actor, James Dean, while discussing her participation in the film Giant, but he was just a passing comment in a sea of Taylor critiques. One interesting thing - she started the whole movie-stars-receiving-insane-amounts-of-money trend with Cleopatra. She didn’t want to do the film, so she told her agent, Ask for a million and I won’t have to do the film because there’s no way they’ll pay that. Well, they did, and so began the progression of insane paydays.

I have to register for next year’s classes on Wednesday morning. At the moment, I’m looking at Introduction to Intellectual Property, Patents, Evidence, and Business Administration, although I might trade in Patents for something more general until after I take the intro/IP course to make sure I enjoy it before delving headlong into an unknown specialty. I don’t want to fall into the same trap that snared me in undergrad, glopping all my efforts into a major I subsequently came to detest.

Gilmore Girls tonight, yay! I wonder whether the Koreans will be home. I haven’t smelled them roasting anything lately and I’m beginning to worry, particularly as there’s only one car outside.

“I hope you realize my response to your answers has nothing to do with my opinion of you. You all should know that I don’t like any of you, and your answers have nothing to do with it.” -Prof. Yankah