Thursday, April 27, 2006

Random Notes in Passing

In my continuing saga of computer complications, I was clicking along taking notes in Constitutional Law yesterday and my portable notebook mouse pooped out on me - just plum stopped working! I couldn’t believe it. So I trooped over to good old Best Buy on the way home last night and procured a new one that is so embarrassingly cool I’m really rather enthralled with the stupid thing. It’s silver to match my notebook and has a clear plastic roller and half-moon of clear plastic illuminated by a light inside that, when the mouse is attached to the USB port, eases continuously through seven neon colors. How cool, huh? Further proof that I am a hopeless computer geek.

I am a walking dead girl. I can’t wait to go home on Friday and sleep! Thankfully, the cold panic of exams is coursing through my veins, keeping me awake and (more or less) alert.

What’s this sixty-degree-weather hogswallop? What happened to 80 with a beating sun? Anything under 70 is worthless as far as I’m concerned.

I have house guest - some sort of bird has taken residence under the canopy of my stairwell. This morning I walked down the stairs and almost crunched a shell from a suicidal egg that had obviously decided it could no longer endure the trials and tribulations of hatching and rolled out of the nest onto my bottom step. Spring has sprung.

El Grande Scandal
among the 1Ls this week is a kid who thinks he’s the rough equivalent of Napoleon. In our Criminal Procedure class yesterday, three people who were called on hadn’t prepared for class (gee, I wonder why - we’re all so preoccupied with studying and outlining and preparing for EXAMS that a thirty-page reading on material that won’t be covered and is assigned exclusively for the purpose of self-enrichment really occupies a low prong on the priority latter). The prof was a touch agitated but didn’t give us a massive lecture or anything. But later that evening, one kid in our section sent out an e-mail telling us not to come to class if we’re not going to prepare - like it’s his place to keep us from the education we’re all paying to receive! So began a flurry of indignant e-mails and mutinous behavior so vehement the kid didn’t even show up for class the ensuing day, likely for fear of his life. What a knob.

T-minus 29 hours!