Wednesday, May 10, 2006

T-minus Two and Counting

well, the worst has passed. I think. I suppose I shouldn’t speak too soon... but it seems safe, at least for the moment.

I managed to (arguably) survive Con Law yesterday morning, the exam which I had dreaded the most. I dread receiving that grade the most, as well, because the course is essentially comprised of overaching theories and interpretations of abstract concepts that the exam answers are so subjective I have no idea how I did, roughly akin to Criminal Law last semester. This time, though, I didn’t walk out and try to find a rope right away… figured I’d at least give life one more chance and stay alive to watch the season finale of the Gilmore Girls.

Two more days! Two more days! Thankfully, my Friday exam is at 8:30 (till 12:30, it’s a long one!) and then (ARGH) I have to go to one last Intro to Advocacy mini-class to pick up my Appellate Brief and receive a lecture on what a moron I am. That second part is simply speculative, but reasonably accurate based on previous experience. I’ll have Fuzzbutt tucked in my backpack in his little traveling case so we’ll be all set to burn rubber after class. I did get invited to an end-of-school party, but the chances of my electing not to attend are, as Bill Murray says in Groundhog Day, one hundred percent.

I picked up my laptop from Best Buy and it looks like new - they just installed a new keyboard and boda-bing, off I went. Unfortunately, the hard drive was corrupted in the spill, so I had to do a system recovery to restore everything - I reinstalled all the programs and, miracle of miracles, everything works! I couldn’t believe it. Still can’t. I keep waiting for the thing to spontaneously combust.

Cold, dreary and dank today, but at least sill in the seventies. I spent the evening cleaning my apartment so it’s all set for the summer when I burn rubber Friday morning. To keep myself occupied in the tedious organization and packing process, I rented The Family Stone and played it in the background. It wasn’t bad... mildly entertaining, but certainly not meritorious of a repeat viewing.

Not that it’s any of my business (although, when does that ever stop anyone?) but the Koreans didn’t get home until 2:30 last night. I know because they slammed the door to ceremoniously announce their return. Big party? Happening evening? It’s a Tuesday night!