Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Perils of an Italian Heritage

Today I have tax and intellectual property. The former of the two being a new course, I had to arrive ridiculously early this morning… but, I would like to announce that I am not the only psycho in the law school. When I arrived at 7:45, there was already another girl in the room. She stated that she, too, had a prime spot that she felt compelled to secure in every course – she’s in the center of the second row, and I’m on the aisle. So there! I’m not quite as pathological as hitherto presumed. We shared a rather entertaining morning, because apparently there was supposed to be a first-year Contracts class in this room, which was moved – so this continual flow of wide-eyed first-years keep walking in, setting themselves up, looking around and then flittering out with a flustered expression once we informed them of their course’s relocation.

Professor Columbo, our tax guru, walked in around 8:20 and held up his hands: “Don’t worry; I’m just looking at the room. We don’t start until 9. Don’t give me that deer in the headlights look!” I am excited to have him, and also nervous, because he was the one who ran our mock-class when Dad and I came to Open House at the law school way back when.

So, of course I was called on today. I was kind of frazzled when he nailed me, but I had prepared sufficiently, so once I got my book open I spoke coherently, and received a plethora of “absolutely’s” and “exactly’s.” Phew. Apparently the guy’s Italian, so he spent the first class running down all the last names on the class roster that included multiple vowels.

I went to Famous Footwear last night and blew my gift card to score two totally cool pairs of sneakers – silver and black Sketchers and brown and pink slip-on RocketDogs. My two favorite brands. I forgot how exciting it is to get new shoes.

I did manage to score an interview with Reinhart on August 29 at 1pm. Yay!