Monday, August 21, 2006

Here's to Another Year

Quote of the Day: “I'm sick of chasing my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're going, and hook up with them later.” - Mitch Hedburg

I arrived this morning for my first class at 7:50. It starts at 9. But, I got my spot! The class is Evidence, which basically covers what you can and cannot present to a jury – what types of communication is privileged (attorney-client, doctor-patient, etc) and what must be produced, etc. It looks quite boring, the only one of my classes to have that label, but it’s required for a myriad of upper-level courses, so it’s a necessary evil. And anyway, I guess it’s good to know, right?

The rest of the students started rolling in around 8:30. I recognize a bunch of people from my section last year, so I obviously made the right choice with this course.

Today’s my easy day, with only one class. It’s a long one, though. I’m going to head over to the Career Services office after this and get some job application information… ferret out some prospects, etc.

Well, here’s to another year. Hope it goes well!