Wednesday, October 4, 2006


Not that anyone cares, but Gilmore Girls kind of stunk last night. The people who founded the show, produced it and composed the scripts for the show its first six years jumped ship due to a disintegration of contract negotiations this season, so I’m rather nervous that it will never get good again. It used to be 90% comedy, 10% drama, and the numbers have almost entirely inversed. Hmm. In other boob toob news, Lost premieres tonight... guess I might have to give it one last chance, considering it’s still booming in popularity with the remainder of the population.

At my Moot Court meeting yesterday, they gave us a run-down of everything that has to be in the final draft of our brief. Then, just before we were dismissed, the student supervisor said, “Right now, you’re probably sitting there shell-shocked, wondering what in the world you’ve gotten yourself into and whether it’s too late to drop out. Don’t worry; that’s perfectly normal.” Well. How encouraging.

It’s beautiful outside today - about 77 with a slight Florida breeze and crystal-clear skies. I walked outside this morning and it felt like summer wrapping a comforting breeze around me and ruffling my hair.

Just my two cents’ worth... someone needs to do away with Nelly Furtado. Between that awful song promoting irresponsible behavior and that awful remake of what was once a perfectly acceptable song, she needs to be eliminated. Ditto with Justin Timberlake. I like that Hinder song, but it’s being overplayed… I don’t understand why the HIM song “Killing Loneliness” and that one song “Mama’s Room” by Under the Influence of Giants haven’t caught on. I could hear the latter all over KISS FM and the former on 102.1, but they’re both relegated to MTV2. Hmm.

Against my best efforts, Breyers and horses are drawing me back in. Breyer is running this “Treasure Hunt” promotion where, if you buy four Lady Phase models, you send in the UPC codes and get a special, limited-edition Decorator model (the bright blue ones that every collector drools over). It’s sooooo tempting to get involved in that! Particularly because Lady Phase is one of the best molds, and they redesigned it to have a long, billowing tail, my favorite type. Hmm.

Thirty-one days till the Breeder’s Cup.

In Intellectual Property today we’re discussing a case regarding patent infringement cases involving super soakers and those lawn bags that look like pumpkins. Pretty cool stuff. Timely, too.