Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Research Trail

Haven’t checked in for quite a while... things are moving along. I’ve been scraping together every spare second to hide out in the Westlaw Research room, where we’re allowed to ferret out and print case precedents to our heart’s content, sans charge. The outline for our argument is due on Friday, so the time has come to get cracking. We have a meeting tonight about constructing oral arguments, which I hope will provide some insight.

I do have to say, I must be out of my mind. What am I thinking, signing up to voluntarily participate in the process that just about killed me last time? All right, I guess I’m thinking it will be good for me and provide valuable experience, but the entire notion still smacks of stupidity.

Season Six of the Gilmore Girls comes out today! I know no one except for me cares, but I’m stoked. And then next week is the season premiere, rah!

What a gross day outside. It’s so gloomy and overcast, like the sky has a sore throat. It makes me think of that OutKast video where all the flowers are singing with faces juxtaposed upon them and the sun smiling and dancing as Big Boi drives by in a big ol’ tan Cadillac.

In other local news, the fourth novel in my beloved Hannibal Lecter series comes out in December: Hannibal Rising. It allegedly follows him as a child and explains how he became so mentally diseased. It sounds really interesting.

Today in tax while taking notes I accidentally misspelled “more” as “moiré” and spell check didn’t pick it up, so of course I had to go look it up. Turns out it’s a wavy fabric. Learn something new every day.

And just in case anyone’s interested... in Intellectual Property we’re finishing copyright today and starting in on patents. In Tax today we finished gifts and fringe benefits, and will start scholarships and grants tomorrow. In Evidence we’re covering the admissibility of a defendant’s prior criminal record and previous questionable conduct to establish guilt in the case currently on trial. And in Business we’re learning how to create limited liability partnerships.