Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Lightning Thrice

Professor Colombo: “...and everyone else in the class is thinking, ‘Good Lord, do I still have time to drop this course?’”

It seems utterly unfair to have a final exam on a Saturday. But apparently that is to be my fate. Final exams run from December 6 to the 14th, and I have a Federal Income Taxation exam on Saturday, December 9.

One of the casualties of writing band bios is that when I research the act, I visit their website and force myself to listen to at least one of the songs. Most of the time this experience is either a nonevent (James Blunt, etc) or excruciatingly painful (GWAR), but every once in a blue moon I’ll come across a band I’ve never before heard of and wind up really liking them. It happened with the Killers and Panic! At the Disco, and now lightning has struck a third time with the Finnish band HIM. It’s a relief because Fuel disbanded and I’ve had a deficiency of aggression in my music collection ever since. What kills me, though, is this band is comprised of a bunch of guys from Finland, yet they speak better English than half of the people I know.

There’s this crazy new music video spinning on MTV called “Mama’s Room” by Under the Influence of Giants. It has the verisimilitude of an origin in the 70’s - rainbow lights, era-appropriate clothing, a relic of a song. Very impressive.

Still can’t believe the Crocodile Hunter is no more. I wonder if that tape is going to leak out. It would be awful to see, but roughly akin to a horrible accident on the side of the road: you can’t help but slow down and gawk. I wonder why God took him? What was He trying to tell everybody? It’s not like the Croc hunter was doing anything particularly stupid or egregiously careless... except, I suppose, for being in the area in the first place... filming a documentary for the World’s Deadliest Creatures... okay, maybe it was kind of stupid. But I think the environment and animals nationwide will suffer for the loss.

The Koreans were cooking last night as I slipped into slumber, and the Plant Man’s wares were out in his driveway this morning. I feel better now.