Thursday, August 31, 2006

A Succession of Ordinary Days

Quote of the Day: “A man can stand anything but a succession of ordinary days.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

It’s absolutely freezing outside today. Okay, it’s 66, but to me that’s worthless. It’s August. This is ridiculous.

I went to Power Yoga last night (there’s a few different classes - Yoga Stretch, the most basic; Hatha Yoga, which integrates meditation and relaxation in pursuit of an overall calm and well-being that I could never even hope to acquire); Yogalates, a mesh of Pilates and Yoga; run-o-the-mill Yoga; and Power Yoga, for those among us who have pushed ourselves through several weeks’ worth of classes and learned to endure shaking limbs with a forced neutral expression. I must say I’m getting better at it. I still have difficulty with the hamstring stuff (leaning forward, etc, because running keeps them tight) and anything to do with the upper shoulders.

Just in case anyone’s wondering what they’re paying for… in tax today, we’re learning about capital expenditures. Basically, when you invest money in a piece of property, and you’ve already paid tax on the money (when you acquired it as income, for instance), you don’t have to record the increased value as income when you sell it. I’m sure this is not news to anybody, but it’s new to me.

MTV music awards tonight. One of the only awards shows I’m actually interested in, because the MTV label means people’s sense of decency and propriety are temporarily inhibited and, as such, anything can happen. I like the commercials, too, with the moonman acting like a loon . At least tonight, the succession of days won’t be quite so ordinary.