Thursday, September 7, 2006

Respondeat Superior

“Here is one of the few remaining loopholes in property transfer: die. That’s how you avoid taxes. Now, I’ll admit the transaction costs are pretty high...” - Professor Colombo

Hard to believe it’s Thursday already. I sure hope the dog isn’t too mad at me or give me the cold tail tomorrow. It sounds stupid, but the little booger is like my best friend. At Petsmart last night I got him two long loofah dogs (the ones from the commercial), this time in purple. I also got a set of tan rawhide bones rolled with red stuff inside, and three long rods. I guess it seems like a paltry set of acquisitions, but each of the items were about seven bucks… it was a forty-one-dollar trip. They also had obedience classes going on, so there were little critters scampering all over the place. It was so cute! Of course, the college girls had scrappy little things bouncing around at the end of pink leashes, yipping spectacularly, but there was one Golden Retriever puppy in a dark green harness that was sooooo cute...

We’re discussing respondeat superior in Business Associations and the topic always makes me nervous for my parents. Considering all the morons deficient of common sense they employ, it really irritates me that they could be held accountable for the stupidity of the pea-brained Frankensteins. I guess that’s the hazard of owning your own business, but it still grates me.