Thursday, September 21, 2006

Impending Relief?

Looking forward to coming home tomorrow. I can’t wait to see my little rascally four-legged companion and really, really can’t wait to play the Pirates of the Caribbean game, Even though my sister has the movie captive at her house and is undoubtedly studying it on a nightly basis to maximize her chances of winning.

Man, ever since Mom bought me a new pair of Saucony running shoes, I’ve stopped getting blisters on my feet. I think this weekend I’m going to have to go back and see if they have another pair, so I can alternate pairs on different days and make them both last twice as long.

There’s an article suggesting that, within the next few years, we could pay as little as $1.15/gal for gasoline. How AWESOME would that be?!

I must be out of my MIND signing up for Moot Court.