Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Impending Frigidity

Something’s really wrong with me. I always fall asleep to either the Gilmore Girls or Monty Python, and last night was a Gilmore Girls episode where Lorelai and Rory visit the grandmother’s house on Thanksgiving. Out of nowhere the thought popped into my mind: it’ll be nice to have relatives over for the holiday. What? What was that? Come again? Am I suffering from temporary insanity?

On that news program… Ikus in the morning? That dude who wears the cowboy hat and speaks intelligently but in a very self-satisfied tone… they were discussing Wesley Snipes trying to swindle the government out of 12 million. I’m sure we’ll be mulling that in tax today. But, what is wrong with famous people? What makes them think they can get away with tax fraud? They make so much they’re under heightened scrutiny; they must realize that! It’s akin to a prisoner attempting to escape while the guard’s patrolling as opposed to when he’s nodding off. I mean, come on. I spoke to my tax professor before class and he said Wesley will probably not face criminal charges, but just have to cough up the owed money, plus interest and penalties, because it’s almost impossible to prove the mens rea for intent to defraud. But he did say there’s a possibility they’ll pull a Pete Rose or Willie Nelson and try to make an example out of Wesley. Guess we’ll see.

I feel bad for Sara Evans. How many years has she been married and the guy turns out to be a slimeball? But I suppose she should have seen it coming, what with him being a politician and all.

Have you seen the latest photos of Britney Spears? I feel bad for her, too; I hope she can pull herself together. And in the process, dump the dodo she for some unfathomable reason voluntarily attached herself to.

This is the last hurrah for the weather… it’s supposed to be about 70 today before the big, seemingly permanent temperature nosedive. Argh. I wish it would remain 70 or 80 year-round... or, at least never snow.