Monday, October 16, 2006

Cloudy with a Certainty of Silliness...

It’s really strange that so many people in law school are married. It’s like the pressure of keeping up with classes makes people realize how fleeting life is and they bound right from dating to the ceremony without constructing a viable pro-con list.

The e-mails are going out for the 1L job search and career services meetings. Makes me remember last year at this time, shaking in my boots. I guess the less things change, the more they never seem the same.

It’s supposed to rain with “considerable cloudiness” all day, but at least the forecast says 59... could be a lot worse. As long as the wind doesn’t parch the skin off my fingers when I walk outside, I’m happy.

I broke down and cranked my heat last night after I got out of the shower and felt about to shatter into a zillion pieces from the slab of frigid air that greeted me. I can’t wait to get my heating bill!

The whole extravaganza creeps me out. What are these people thinking, putting their lives online like that? Particularly school-aged children... I realize the temptation to share things with your friends via the web is great, but there has to be a better way!

Looking forward to Fright Fest! And then both Marie Antoinette and Flicka come out on Friday. Yay! Finally, something worth watching!

I absolutely love the new Weird Al Yanjovic parody. He changes this positively horrid rap song about “riding dirty” (which, I gather, has something to do with driving around toting drugs in the car? But I’m not down with the lingo...) to “They think I’m so white and nerdy...” The music video is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. And he references Monty Python. What a change. The new Jimmy Buffet song is all right - not my cup of tea, but definitely better than anything else out there. It’s currently a music scene stuffed with crap. In other music news I downloaded the new Panic! song, and it makes me kind of nervous that their main draw is young, prepubescent girls. I’m not sure it’s in their best interest to be digesting those lyrics on a regular basis, although I suppose Paris Hilton is much more damaging.

Before I went to sleep last night, I spent about twenty minutes jumping Breyers. I made a double-oxer out of straws and my Lady and the Tramp salt- and pepper- shakers, a water jump out of junk mail, a plank with the TV changer and a sweedish oxer out of a Nike tennis shoe. They make me so happy. I couldn’t even really tell you why. I can’t wait to build a garage or a little room like my uncle has and just line them all up, arranged by their mold (position), each with their own little nametag that has a show name and a nick name. I guess everybody’s got their something...