Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Idiot, Inc.

°o° On this day in 1987, the first Disney Store opened, in Glendale, California.

°o° Two weeks until Florida! °o°

Not quite as beautiful outside today, but still 75 and warm. But I can feel the rain coalescing in the air - I wish it would fall already! I need a great storm!

I don’t know why I’m back to not sleeping. I guess because I got used to not having caffeine, so the newness of that brand of fatigue has expired. Hmm. The only thing I can come up with is that maybe it has been too hot in my apartment? I know heat theoretically makes you sleepy, but I always keep my apartment kind of cold so I can burrow under the covers for a maximized slumber experience. And there was no point in turning on the a/c because there’s a cold front coming, so it would just be a waste of money what with our abysmally inflated electric bills.

So the pre-lawyer has been screwed by the fine print. I received a notice from my apartment complex yesterday of an overdue balance, which I surmised as a mistake because I always pay my rent promptly. Turns out my rent went up when the first year of my lease expired in August, so I’ve been underpaying by thirty bucks for every month since then. Eight months of thirty bucks plus the late fees came to over three hundred dollars. I’m suck an absolute idiot. All the lease said was that the rent was subject to alteration contingent upon the leasing department’s discretion, which I failed to confirm, apparently. In my defense, no one ever brought it up; but, that’s no excuse. There goes any money I might have intended to spend on Mickey merchandise in Florida! Serves me right. Moron. And to think some day (God willing) people are going to pay me for my opinion. Idiot.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Neverending Makeup Class

°o° On this day in 1901, cartoonist Carl Barks was born. He became most famous for drawing the Donald Duck comic strip.

“If you’ll notice, I’m only asking questions on purpose because I’m assuming that you just all came back from break and nobody read anything,” - Professor Beckett

Well, I’m at my Cyberspace law massive makeup session - three hours. Not looking forward to it. Right now they’re all up collecting pizza and sodas - the teacher had to bribe us to show up, apparently. How do little Chinese and Japanese exchange students eat crap like that and stay so tiny? I don’t understand. I really hope this thing doesn’t run over. Is it really that important to let us eat pizza before starting class? Can’t people chew and think at the same time? Let’s get started so we can finish and go home! I’m missing both the Gilmore Girls and American Idol for this thing; it better be enlightening.

It was so beautiful outside today. We were only supposed to hit 75 but we got up to 86! Unbelievable. They keep promising me a thunderstorm, and I’ve nothing to show for the empty words. Thunder! Thunder! Rah, rah, rah! Raindance; come on, let’s go. Hup hup!

I miss Zippy.

At a stoplight this afternoon, a girl pulled up beside me on a little blue Yamaha. It made me so sad for summer, tooling around with Al and Dad, ogling the houses.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Heat Wave!

°o° On this day in 1928, Disney allegedly conceived Mortimer Mouse, whereupon his wife Lillian rechristened him Mickey.

It’s absolutely beautiful today - it was 79 at 12:30! Can’t believe it. March, and it’s 80! It was, of course, 85 in Orlando.... grrr.

Kind of strange thing going on in White Collar Crime. Our professor has abandoned his passionate daily recounts of the Scooter case, but apparently one day in April he’s conducting a mass class-ditching excursion to the local federal court house. We’re going to have lunch with one of the judges and apparently pick his brain. I doubt he will be amenable to inquiries such as “How do I work for Disney?” but I suppose you never know...