Monday, May 5, 2008

Out Looking for a Shrub

“Look, if I argue with you, I must take up a contrary position.”
“Yes, but it isn’t just saying, ‘no, it isn’t.’”
“Yes, it is.”
“No, it isn’t!”
- Monty Python, the Argument Clinic sketch

. . . 4 days . . .

I am SO sick of studying, I could spontaneously combust.

Saw Spamalot again on Friday.... I could watch that thing every night for the rest of my life and never stop laughing. My absolute favorite part is when King Arthur asks the Lady of the Lake her real name and she says “Guenivere,” then one of the knights goes, “Holy shit!” and they all walk offstage. I also loved when the King said “No, it’s a symbol,” and someone in the orchestra crashed the cymbal. Oh, and the Lady of the Lake singing “Diva’s Lament (Whatever Happened to my Part?)” : “I’m with a bunch of English knights prancing ‘round in wooly tights; I might as well go to the pub, they’re out looking for a shrub....” Oh, forget it, I adored the entire thing.

But... four more days of school! Graduation on Saturday! Rah rah rah! I’ll be - oh, wait, I won’t be a lawyer. I’ll be a moron qualified to begin studying for the bar exam. Sigh. One step closer, anyhow.

“Out of nine lives, I’ve spent seven. How in the world do you get to Heaven? Oh, you don’t know the shape I’m in....” I love the Band. Have I mentioned that recently? Definitely have to fall asleep watching The Last Waltz tonight, even if JRR is a conceited butthead who hogs all the camera time.