Thursday, April 24, 2008


“I’m sick of chasing my dreams. I’m just going to ask them where they’re going and hook up with them later.”
- Mitch Hedburg

For a lot of people, today is the last day of law school. They don’t plan on attending our scheduled classes on Monday, and long ago planned their schedule to have Fridays off. I am terrified of exams. Panic has finally set in. What if I fail? What then? I feel like I’m falling apart. Am I like this at the end of every semester? I can’t remember. I guess I’m experiencing tunnel vision. Maybe I’m like this every year or semester or whatever. I’m losing my mind - no, it’s gone, long gone, done me wrong, like Alison Krauss and Robert Plant would say. I’m so screwed. Less than three weeks left. I’m doomed. I’m going to fail everything and have to retake an entire semester and Ahhhhhhhh! I’m panicked! Help!!