Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Things Are Going Swimmingly

“Ashes of laughter, the ghost is clear;
Why do the best things always disappear?”
- The Band, “Ophelia”

. . . 46 days . . .

Adding insult to injury regarding my PR course, I just found out the exam is on a Saturday. The nerve! So I have one the evening of the 2nd (Real Estate- on a Friday, natch), one the morning of the 3rd (PR), one the evening of the 7th (™) and one the morning of the 8th (Complex Litigation). I feel like I’m dying today. I got up this morning to walk and kind of stumbled about for fifty minutes before giving up ten minutes before scheduled. Sigh. This sounds stupid but I wish Gilmore Girls were still on, so I had something to look forward to. Alternately, I hope I can pull myself together so I don’t have to hang myself. The prospect is becoming more and more imminent. I managed to fall asleep last night at 10:30, then woke up when Mom called about 11:15 and couldn’t go back to sleep until 2, then got up at 7.

Later... I am so tired. My head is pounding. I look at a page in my Real Estate book and the words begin to swirl and swim to the point that I have to read and re-read every portion I attempt to ingest. I don’t know how I’m going to make it through exams. I stand up and this strange feeling starts flowing through me, which I can only verbalize as a “whooshing” feeling, as though all my blood has rushed to pool in my feet and leave the rest of me to fumble about like a wobbly plastic mannequin. Is any of this making sense? Are my sentences even coherent? My thoughts keep escaping me.