Saturday, February 23, 2008

In those Hollywood Hills...

“A beagle won the Westminster dog show for the first time in its 132-year history, thus prevailing in the war on . . . terrier.
[aside] You’ve been gone 100 days, and this is the shit you’re gonna pull?”
- Jon Stewart

I’m at the MPRE study course. It’s supposed to run from 9 to 3 but it seems very slow going, so I’m not hopeful. I’m so bored already. We have 24 pages to plug through, we’re on page 7, and it’s 11:40. Sigh.

It’s so strange to hear advertisements for the Academy Awards at the Kodak Theater. I’ve been there! I stayed at the hotel across the street! I walked past it every morning as I wandered around waiting for Dad to get ready & taking in the sights, gawking at the passerby and gaping at the endless arrays of overpriced trinkets attractively aligned to best solicit the attention of tourists eager to part with their pocket change. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to go back!

I made the mistake of leaving a can of soda in one of my many bags o’ books & it was so cold outside I came out in the morning to find the can had exploded and left brown-hued ice shards everywhere. Now all my PR books look like I spilled coffee on them. Yet another stellar display of intelligence on the part of the graduate student in the family. Sigh.