Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Two-Thirds Panic

“It’s supposed to be hard! If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great.” - A League of Their Own

Well, it’s Tuesday. I guess that is self-explanatory... but the big thing is, that means tomorrow is Wednesday. This is also self-explanatory, but of paramount import: it’s the first evening we’re doing the “exploratory” portion of our Witness course. I am dreading it beyond belief. I mean, I cannot go on to tell you. There are no words. I am trying to comprise a list of things I would rather do than sit in front of sixteen people and interview a stranger and am coming up with, as you might imagine, a remarkably truncated list. I am so tired. I kept waking up last night and I think it’s directly proportional to the time left before the Witness course. How am I going to survive this all semester? The good news is, we only have to do it once this month, and then we’re off the hook until April. So five people will be randomly selected tomorrow - I have a 33% chance of having to endure hell. But, a spit of dialogue from The Bourne Ultimatum comes to mind: “I hope for the best but plan for the worst.” So, even though there’s a two-thirds chance that I won’t be called on tomorrow, I’ll go ahead and flip out anyway. I am so tired, have I mentioned that yet? I can’t believe it’s only 11:15 in the morning and I have like ten hours yet to go in this horrid excuse of a day. Sigh. “Take a load off... Take a load for free...”

I can’t believe they cancelled Gilmore Girls, yet programs like Big Brother and Dancing with the Stars are allowed to remain. I don’t understand things like Gray’s Anatomy or House, either. And don’t get me started on The Biggest Loser - how about the biggest piece of crap show in the history of television? They all seem like crap to me. Predigested, un-thoughtprovoking mush precariously balanced and manipulated and masticated to proffer the maximum appeal to the mindless masses... and I lost my thunder. It just collapsed. And there you have it: I’m so agitated about tomorrow I can’t think clearly. Or I need sleep. Likely both.