Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Final Semester : Day Three

Well, on one hand, I was the only 3L insane enough to arrive at 7:30 for a 9:00 class. On the other hand, someone beat me there - a 2L preceded me. Yes! My inane behavior has company! I hope to God she passes around the seating chart today so I don’t have to do this tomorrow. The only good news is that my class this afternoon, the use of Expert Witnesses, is in a classroom with a course that ends fifteen minutes before I start, so I don’t have to arrive insanely early.

This evening I have a seminar course on the use of Expert Witnesses: learning how to cross, direct, recross and redirect under examination, how to select them, etc. It’s a three-hour course but it’s taught by the same professor who helmed Insurance Law last semester (and whom I adored), so I hope it won’t prove as imposing as it sounds.

I look like hell rolled over by a car. I must have taken out my rollers at some point to improve my chances of sleeping so my hair looks like I thrust my little finger in an electrical socket. I didn’t want to take the time to fire up the ‘ol hair straightener this morning lest I miss securing my spot, so.... here I am. Struggling to keep my eyes open. I could use some toothpicks to pry them open; anybody have any? Anybody? last semester I could comfort myself that I only had one more night and then I would be home but I have two more nights and no prospect of sleep on the horizon and at this point the prospect of a one-way ticket to an inpatient mental institution has a rather alarming appeal.