Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Strange Dream

°o° On this day in 2001, Disneyland and Disney World closed after the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington. It was only the second time a park had closed for a reason other than weather.

I stopped at the strip mall that used to be right next to the Audobon Bookstore by my house and ran into one of the stores to quickly retrieve something. When I came out, someone had driven off in my car.

They say the terrorist attacks are the “Kennedy Assassination” for my generation, and indeed I still remember precisely where I was when I heard about “9/11.” I had just rounded the corner after North Avenue heading toward the Marquette Interchange on the expressway, en route to an Organic Chemistry course. I was listening to ManCow on 102.1 and he said, “Seriously, folks, turn on the television right now; I’m not kidding. The twin towers have been hit. I’m completely serious. Turn me off and listen to the news.” Chemistry proceeded as normal, but materiality afternoon Biology lab was cancelled.