Monday, August 20, 2007

Year Three :: Day One : Class One

°o° On this day in 1928, “Hot Dog” was released. It was the final Disney-produced sort to star Oswald, the Lucky Rabbit.

Well, it’s day one of year three. Here’s hoping! Today I have Patent Law at 8:30, Real Estate Transactions at 1:30 and International Law at 3. We started the day with a rather voluminous thunderstorm that rattered the rafters and pounded angrily on the roof throughout the morning, which most consider a rather ominous initiation to the new year, but I consider it extremely auspicious, being the thunderstorm afficionado that I am... Hooray!

Last night when I left home it was absolutely freezing, and by the time I arrived in Champaign the thermometer had ascended (mercifully) to 86 degrees. I couldn’t believe it! Yahoo! This morning when I hopped in the car, it was already 81!

My first course, Patent Law, is taught by the same professor who presided over my Cyberspace Law course last semester, so at least I know one of my professors is all right. The only thing is he’s big on introductory talk, so I’m kind of in a flux at the moment.

Today I’m using Microsoft Office 2007 for the first time and I’m totally frustrated. Now I realize why uneducated people don’t like computers; it’s totally frustrating not to know what’s going on. I’m sure one I get the hang of it the program will far exceed its predecessor, but in the mean time I’m going batty.

After this I have to go down to the bookstore and duke it out to get my Real Estate Transactions textbook, which I am not looking forward to in the slightest. It’s usually an abysmally lengthy line of extraordinarily tired or terrified students who shift their weight from foot to foot restlessly, as though this will aid their situation...