Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Neverending Makeup Class

°o° On this day in 1901, cartoonist Carl Barks was born. He became most famous for drawing the Donald Duck comic strip.

“If you’ll notice, I’m only asking questions on purpose because I’m assuming that you just all came back from break and nobody read anything,” - Professor Beckett

Well, I’m at my Cyberspace law massive makeup session - three hours. Not looking forward to it. Right now they’re all up collecting pizza and sodas - the teacher had to bribe us to show up, apparently. How do little Chinese and Japanese exchange students eat crap like that and stay so tiny? I don’t understand. I really hope this thing doesn’t run over. Is it really that important to let us eat pizza before starting class? Can’t people chew and think at the same time? Let’s get started so we can finish and go home! I’m missing both the Gilmore Girls and American Idol for this thing; it better be enlightening.

It was so beautiful outside today. We were only supposed to hit 75 but we got up to 86! Unbelievable. They keep promising me a thunderstorm, and I’ve nothing to show for the empty words. Thunder! Thunder! Rah, rah, rah! Raindance; come on, let’s go. Hup hup!

I miss Zippy.

At a stoplight this afternoon, a girl pulled up beside me on a little blue Yamaha. It made me so sad for summer, tooling around with Al and Dad, ogling the houses.