Monday, February 12, 2007

White Out!

“I’d like to end tonight by talking about the Big Bang. The Big Bang, yep. Everyone stood well back.” - Eddie Izzard

Driving home last night, it was 30 degrees - thank the Lord! It’s amazing how much more pleasant, not to mention easier, everything is when you’re not afraid of catching frostbite on any inch of exposed skin, and stepping outside does not induce instantaneous rigor mortis.

I can’ t believe the Texas dumbos won three of the big Grammy awards last night. I kept thinking of that line from Toy Story when Mr. Potatohead overhears that Andy has received new sheets as a birthday present: “Who invited that kid?”

I stopped at a gas station to go to the bathroom and afterward grabbed a Diet Sierrra Mist to keep me company sans caffeine. So I’m standing at the counter and hear some locals approach like a pack of wolves. One of them growls in a thick Southern drawl, “Are you lookin’ for a problem? ‘Cause you’re fixin’ to get a problem.” Another, meeker, voice responded, “No, no, I wasn’t talking about you!” in a massive backpedaling attempt. I didn’t turn around to look at them, but it was just like something out of Rebel Without a Cause, where locals with nothing better to do are scouting out for trouble. There was a Dairy Queen attached to the gas station, with like half the town loitering about inside. Talk about a small-town hangout. It was right out of the Alabama song: “See what’s shakin’ at the Dairy Queen... down home...”

The Weather Channel has issued a Winter Storm Warning for Champaign - we’re going to get 8-12 inches tomorrow. That sucks. I don’t even know what to say to that. Sheesh. Hopefully, since it’s supposed to happen overnight, the plows will get their act together and get their butts out on the roads and get them clean before morning...