Monday, January 22, 2007


Well, I got to the Cyberspace Law room at 7:30 and not only beat everyone, but had to turn on the lights for the classroom. No one else showed up until 7:50. But hey, I got my seat!

I can’t wait to start playing tennis!!! This afternoon, I have to figure out how to get a decent outfit and some court shoes.

I was scouting around online trying to find things to sign up for and it turns out I have to learn how to play billards. There’s a billiard tournament every Wednesday night (which I have free) which would be fun... but what the heck’s a billiard? Pool? Fooseball? They have almost everything in the union (where we meet), including bowling alleys - do they count? Guess I’ll have to look it up....

In White Collar Crime, he passed the seating chart around today and all of the people that hadn’t marked whether they wanted to represent the defense or the prosecution were assigned to the defense. The prof said there’s an extreme predisposition toward the prosecution in this class, and he has a very real deficiency of defense lawyers (which unfortunately translates into my being called on with increased frequency). What a bunch of government-lovers. (The prosecution in 90% of the cases we read is the state or the US as a whole.) Yuck.

I can’t wait to see the new Hannibal Lecter movie. It looks sooo creepy! And I must say that I am in love with my iPod. Yesterday I loaded the audio version of Hannibal Rising by Thomas Harris on it, and listened while driving to Champaign. How cool, huh?!

Billiards = pool. Time to start practicing.