Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Day One : Class Two

°o° On this day in 1994, the first-ever Disney World Marathon was run.

I’m in Copyright now. I snagged my desired seat: all the way in the back on the right. And thankfully someone that I know and like from a previous course sat down next to me, so I’m all set. The professor has this habit of only picking on people in his direct line of vision - the center of the middle eight or so rows. It’s amazing; he’s got tunnel vision or something to that effect.

God be Praised! He’s passing around the seating chart! Hooray!!

I think I described Maggs last time around... I had him for Contracts first semester of my first year. He was the first professor I ever had, in my first class ever. Oh, how frightened I was! How small and unassuming and meek in manner! He hasn’t changed a bit. He’s got his standard blue dress pants with a powder blue button-up shirt and a powder-pink tie. Here we go....

I can’t wait to set up my hammock tonight. Dad had such a phenomenal idea, getting a chain so I don’t have to return the hammock. A simple thing, but it solves a massive dilemma. I can’t believe I didn’t think about it... I guess that’s why we need dads around!

I slept until 6:30 this morning. 6:30! Went to bed around 11:30 (finally), woke up from 2 to 3, and then slept straight through. How cool is that? There may be hope yet, particularly with a hammock.

I have decided that I absolutely adore home depot. And Lowe’s. And generally any place with fabulous housing supplies like those places.... when Dad and I went over the weekend to pick up dressing room stuff, I kept seeing things that I “could use.” Like the little device that you connect to the side of your garage that stores an extra house key and requires a code for access. Or the confluence of space heaters that so rapidly put me to sleep.