Friday, November 17, 2006

Employment Prospects Have Ears

°o° Nothing interesting happened in Disney history today, but on Wednesday of this year (11-15) the new Mary Poppins musical debuted on Broadway in New York.

Okay, I despise Justin Timberlake. But he has the Quote of the Day: when asked by a shutterbug if he had any comment on his ex’s impending divorce, he said, “Yeah, there’s a war going on in Iraq.” Brilliant.

In local Disney news, the company has thoroughly irritated Target by encouraging people to download movies straight from the net rather than purchasing them in hard form off of Target’s shelves. Now Target is severely cutting back its in-store promotion of most Disney products in retaliation (this is all hearsay, by the way). Hmm...

Boy, I thought I had no life! I passed the Best Buy up the street from my house last night and there were about twenty-five tents pitched outside, in a straight line curving around the building. Then this morning the line had swelled to about thirty. Wow! Does the PS3 hold the secret of life or something?!

I don’t know why I never thought of this before... but as a law student I have 100% free, unlimited access to online court reports and case summaries. So this morning before class I typed in “Walt Disney” for “Search by Party Name” and limited the cases to 2006. 512 documents popped up - they went to court over 500 times so far this year. Do you have any idea how many lawsuits must have been filed just this year? Only about 3% of lawsuits even end up in the district court. Wow. That’s about 17,066 lawsuits, and the year’s not even over! They obviously need a lot of lawyers.... hmm....