Monday, November 13, 2006

In the Lurch

°o° On this day in 1991, Beauty and the Beast premiered in the US.

. . . 123 days ‘till Disney . . .

I’m listening to George Strait’s Fresh Out Christmas album. He has such a fantastic voice. And he’s so cool! I think he could go out of his way not ot be cool and he just would not be able to pull it off. No matter where he goes or where he performs, he always wears country clothes and a big ‘ol hat. I also love how humble and milquetoast he is. None of his songs are offensive or abrasive. Even “I Hate Everything” had that spectacular twist at the end that pulled it from the dredges of loathing. And when he went up to be inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame, his only concession to the special occasion was to wear a jacket on top of his black jeans with a black hat. And the first thing he did was thank his fans, saying, “Don’t think I don’t realize why I’m here.” He’s just awesome. (You can watch it here. You’d think they would give the Hall of Fame inductee a little more time to talk, wouldn’t you?!)

It . is . too . cold.

We’ll find out about Moot Court “By December 1.” Geez; way to keep us in the lurch, guys.