Thursday, October 26, 2006

°o° Always, Everywhere...

“The accountant is not interested in becoming a lawyer. The accountant has seen what becoming a lawyer has done to people..."
- Prof. Colombo in a hypothetical

°o° On this day in 1971 the beloved Electrical Water Pageant officially debuted at Disney World. °o°

Well, that was fun. I survived the oral argument... basically... more or less. They said I used the facts very well and pointed out two arguments I made that apparently no other student did - they claim they were very impressed by them, which was nice.

My Business professor today is wearing the prettiest suit. it’s this burgundy-wine color with a button-down shirt underneath, white with tiny burgundy-color checks that takes on the appearance of a low-resolution form of the suit color from a distance, and she caps the entire thing with black boots. Very stylish.

I ferreted out that Michael J. Fox ad online - it’s horrible. Talk about manipulative advertising. If the democrats win over this... I mean, I am in favor of stem cell research, but not at the expense of losing the majority. I would rather not be taxed until my pores bleed in agony. But I think everyone’s overreacting to Rusk Limbaugh’s response. The guy lives for controversy and it’s his job to be a jerk and stir things up. He says that kind of thing about all sorts of people - there’s nothing special about his treatment of Michael J. just because the guy has a horrible neurological disease. Rush is not heartless or whatever, he’s just being his typical abrasive self. Get over it, people.

There’s a fundraiser going on at the law school (isn’t there always, everywhere?) called the Candygram program, where for $1 you can send a friend a little piece of candy with a note. Believe it or not, I sent one, to a friend in Tax class who is about to be called on (her last name’s up next) wishing her luck. The little gram things go to the people’s mailboxes (we each have out own mailbox just like teachers do) on Halloween, so she probably won’t ever check her box and the thing will rot in there and cause it to smell horridly and she’ll hate me... I can see it coming. Sigh. I tried.