Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Here We Go . . .

On this Day in 1971, Roy O. Disney official dedicated Disney World with the words:
“Walt Disney World is a tribute to the philosophy and life of Walter Elias Disney, and to the talents, the dedication and the loyalty of the entire Disney organization that made Walt Disney’s dream come true. May Walt Disney World bring joy and inspiration and new knowledge to all who come to this happy place . . . a magic kingdom where the young heart of all ages can laugh and play and learn together.”

I have my practice round of the Moot Court oral argument this evening. Can’t wait. I’ve been sick to my stomach all morning and I feel ready to regurgitate in spectacular fashion.

Harry Potter’s Daniel Radcliffe, the main character who can’t act to save his life, is starring in a London play that will feature him in a scene nude. He wants to shake up people’s perception of him and hopes that people will think he can “do things other than Potter.” Rather difficult, when he can’t do Potter in the first place. Man, is he awful in those films. The girl that plays Hermione is getting really good, and even though there’s not much to his part, the guy playing Ron has always been great. But Radcliffe just keeps getting smellier. So… is it wise for him to do this, when 90% of Potter’s draw is small people? Obviously, they’re going to flock to the play just to see him, the butthead. What a stupid thing to do. At the very least he should wait until he’s of age - the guy’s only 17! Come on! And don’t even get me started on the character he’s playing - “a troubled young man with a religious-erotic obsession with horses.” Are you KIDDING me? What a JERK. Leave my beloveds ALONE you sick wackos! All those people should be locked up, much less anyone bringing that kind of behavior into the mainstream. GEEZ.

Boy, the more I listen to H.I.M., the more I love them. They are official my favorite band, taking the place of Fuel (seeing as they split up). Of course, George Strait will always be Numero Uno, but in the non-country category, H.I.M.’s got the gold. The vocalist Ville Valo has a phenomenal voice. I don’t understand why “Killing Loneliness” hasn’t caught in our country, but I guess America is the toughest market for foreign acts to crack. Probably something to do with the atrocious state of our current music industry - all gross hip-hop and skanky R&B. I cannot wait for this trend to pass. At least the punk-rock movement wasn’t a source of endless aggravation - I didn’t like the stuff personally, but it certainly didn’t offend me or make me want to gouge out somebody’s eyeballs like Roy Batty in Blade Runner. Although My Chemical Romance and Panic! At the Disco are thrusting us with baby steps in the right direction. On that note, I love the current trend of “manliner” - eyeliner on male musicians. I don’ t know why I think it’s so cool. And I love the costumes lately, particularly Panic’s Moulin Rouge style. But the tattoo thing - getting them over every inch of unadulterated skin - is absolutely abhorrent. Yuck.

I noticed on CNN Headline News that the white house picked out their Christmas tree! Hooray... the season is upon us. I would much prefer it to be summer perpetually, but if we have to have crappy weather, it might as well be a holiday, right?

Just to make life really interesting, my cable is on the fritz. I attempted to interact intelligently with the customer service reps twice to no avail, so they have to send a dude out. He’s coming Thursday evening. Hopefully there’s nothing really wrong; I’ll take a stupid glitch, thank you.

Hope it won’t be too cold on Friday, although things are not looking up in that regard. It was 28 in Gurnee this morning when I checked on Yuck.