Friday, November 3, 2006

Morning Moments

°o° Today in 1922, Puss in Boots was released.

I love mornings. Arriving at the law school an hour before my class starts and tucking in to the library, which is typically abandoned and quiet as a vacant meadow but for a few particularly determined second-years or terrified first-years.

I just glimpsed a Nevada quarter for the first time - they’re awesome! Horses galloping, what could be better than that?! How did we get stuck with a cow and a wedge of cheese? How embarrassing.

I just discovered, after following a link to watch a clip of the Kerry debacle. They have clips of every artist performing every song you could ever imagine, plus clips of things you wouldn’t even think to search for or particularly care to watch. You can flag all your favorites and make your own “station” with them. So far I only have a few HIM videos, but I’ll expand. (Cause it’s so important, right?) Better enjoy the site while it’s still free - I’m sure they’re going to find a way to siphon from the users’ pockets before long. The site is just too cool to remain free.

People in Law School are addicted to North Face jackets. I’m sitting in the lobby typing and half people-watching as students drag themselves through the door (clutching their coffees with white knuckles and half-squinting) and almost every other person who walks in is wearing one. You could pretty much pretend to be a law student just by popping on a North Face fleece and crunching a hat with a well-bent rim over hair that hasn’t been washed recently while clutching a large stack of books and sporting a generally harassed expression.

I am tantalizingly close to being finished with Moot Court. Just one final component - next Wednesday, I have to argue “Off-Brief.” That means I argue the exact same issues I did for this week’s “On-Brief” round, but I pretend I’m representing the other side. So after researching and preparing everything in favor of the Appellant, I have to turn around cold turkey and argue in favor of the Appellee. I guess it’s good experience.