Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Quote of the Day:
“You’re having delusions of adequacy....” - Weird Al, “You’re Pitiful”

˚●˚ On this day in 1994, the Magic Kingdom hosted its first ever wedding!

Happy Halloween! I can’t believe I forgot to bring my Queen of Hearts costume... it’s absolutely awesome, with the wig and the little pink flamingo for playing cricket (that’s what it’s called, right? on grass, with the little hoops and the big multi-color balls? We used to have a set in the garage; it was quite enjoyable to set up a course behind the basketball hoop. Ahh, those were the days...). I would venture to say it’s the coolest costume I’ve ever worn. I realize my experience is rather limited, but still... I guess I could go to the costume party tonight as a jerk, because I wouldn’t need any accoutrements. Or a putz... loser... take your pick. In Evidence this morning, the guy that sits behind me walked in wearing a Mickey Mouse costume, all dolled out in Fantasia regalia. He even had the hands, and the yellow shoes! How awesome, huh? He was carrying a little Mickey stuffed animal that matched... I was so jealous... :)

I must be more annoying to people at home this year... not one Halloween card. Sigh. And we sent out these “Halloween Grams” at school. I sent three and of course when I checked my mailbox this morning it was utterly abandoned, with just a slight sheen of dust and faint hint of a cobweb in the back corner. All the surrounding ones were exploding with coiled black and orange ribbon, signaling a gram within. My fault, I know. Adding insult to injury, the Gilmore Girls are a rerun tonight. Blah!

Big day today. Because my Tax professor is going out of town to make a speech on taxes somewhere at t he end of the week, we have make-up classes today (and also had one yesterday), So basically I have three extended-length classes back-to-back with fifteen-minute intervals sufficient for me to hoof it to the bathroom and trade out my books. It is nice, though, because I can leave early on Friday.

I’ve been downing calming medicine every couple of hours. My pulse keeps racing and I keep breathing shallow. My stomach will not stop churning. I really, really, really do not want to deal with this moot court thing tomorrow night.

This morning I was watching the news and to my surprise my Yoga instructor appeared in a segment! Turns out she teaches yoga part-time and the other time she’s a Belly Dancing teacher. She was all dolled up in full spindly and clanking metal regalia, with little clattering circles of metal that chimed whenever she breathed, long dreadlocks with feathers in her hair... wild makeup that included raccoon-eyes eyeshadow with coils on the ends by her temples... wow. Quite a costume.

I can’t believe I forgot to bring the Queen of Hearts! Stupid idiot!

A lot of people came to class dressed up. One guy was that stupid hardware dude from that awful show Home Improvement (I had entertained the hope, for a moment, that he was the Lumberjack from Monty Python...) and then one guy was dressed all in black, with a mask of curly brown hair obscuring his ace but for two eye slits, and giant antlers protruding from the top. I mean, we’re talking five point buck. And he’s tall, so you can see him coming from across the law school. Awesome. Lots of vampires and witches this year... wonder why vampires are so big? Is there a movie out that I don’t know about that instigated this trend?

Sometimes I actually wonder how people got along without computers. Life would have been so irritating. Of course, it’s irritating with them as well, but it moves more quickly. I took my laptop out of my backpack this morning and boom, for whatever reason, overnight the CD-ROM drive decided it wanted to remain propped open. It will play a CD if I hold it shut, it just will not remain so of its own volition. I took it to the computer guys at school, and they said there’s a spring inside that just needs to be replaced. However, they only repair Dells, and since I acquired my computer through Best Buy I have to visit the Geek Squad. Great. Money and time wasted.... I guess I’ll just deal for the time being.

The new Killers song is great. Strange lyrics and I don’t like the love-song-generic-chorus, but I like the verses and the melody The video, too, is awesome. The first time I saw it, I couldn’t recall why the style seemed so familiar to me, even though it was so unique and different from any other video out there. Then, in the credits, I learned Tim Burton directed the video. He’s the guy behind the Nightmare Before Christmas! Talk about going straight to the best! I wonder how much he charged them for his services? Or maybe he’s just a fan and donated his talent? I also love that Weird Al song “You’re Pitiful,” particularly at the beginning when he mocks the false start in James Blunt’s actual song (“What? Too early? Should I start again? Just go for it? Okay...”)

I wonder how other people perceive me. There’s this girl I sit next to in Tax... she’s not friendly in the least, very composed and prim and proper and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her smile. But she’s very self-contained and apparently organized and seems very composed and self-sufficient. I wish I could convey that image. Maybe some day.

Wonder if Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin will be on television tonight?

(And I wonder why I don’t project the right image?!)