Thursday, November 9, 2006


°o° On this day in 1994 the Skyway closed at Disneyland, and in 1999 it closed at Disney World.

I wasn’t aware either park had a skyway.

. . . 127 days ‘till Disney . . .

Moot Court is over! Moot court is over! Over! Over! I’m free! I’m free!

I didn’t do as well as I did the first round, but when the critique period came, I didn’t get as much criticism as I had expected. Basically the same old “slow down,” “don’t be so nervous” and “you’re better than you think you are.” The compliments were that I made good arguments even though I was arguing the other side, I addressed questions well and I got exponentially better as I went along. Then the guy who will be scoring my written brief, one of the competition heads, said that of all the competitors, I was the most improved since the practice round. I thought that was a huge compliment. He said that participation in the moot court was a positive experience for everyone but particularly for me, because I had improved so much since the practice round two weeks ago. That’s pretty cool, huh?

I fell asleep last night to Ellen DeGeneres on Leno; she’s so funny. You know how he has that long line of couches next to his desk? She walked up, looked at them all, and took a seat on the ottoman furthest from him, then hollered, “Hey, Jay, how’re you doing?” Thought that was funny.

I get to register for classes for the spring semester today. I suppose “get” is an overly-enthusiastic word, considering all the offered courses kind of stink. Badly.