Wednesday, November 8, 2006

The Last Day!

°o° On this day in 1966, surgeons in California operated on Walt Disney’s left lung. Finding it badly infected with cancer, they removed it totally. If that fact is too morbid for you, on this day in 1980, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad officially opened at Walt Disney World.

. . . 128 days ‘till Disney . . .

Just one more day of Moot Court activities and I’m FREE! Let’s hear it: F! R! E! E! My big plan/incentive, if all goes well tonight, is to fly home after the competition, pop in a tape to record Lost (because it’s the season finale, the previews looked decent and I’m going to give it one last chance) and then zoom over to Borders for an evening among the fiction shelves. That was one of my favorite things to do when I was little (and still is): just walking from packed shelf to packed shelf, plucking off book after book, whatever looks appealing, and then finding a fluffy chair somewhere and just perusing to my heart’s content.

Blah. I can’t believe the stupid Demo-dummies won the House. Even more surprising is the nation-wide support of the death penalty. I thought we’d have more people concerned about the chance of a mistaken convict being assassinated? Apparently not. I’m all in favor of disgusting child molesters and rapists being put out of commission, I suppose, but it still feels like playing God. (Chris Rock does an entire segment about rapists in prison, something to the effect of, You know what’s great about prison? That rapists are treated like scum. “Yeah, I know I killed fourteen people, but you’re sick, man!” I love that guy.) My real concern, though, is probably irrational... I just keep thinking that there’s a guy on death row, falsely accused due to someone planting evidence or the corrupt system or something, and he’s got a daughter at home who’s going to lose her father because we decided we have the right to execute people. Well, it’s a moot point because apparently everyone else in the world disagrees with me. Moot. I don’t think I ever want to hear that word again.

The new Beyoncé video cracks me up. There’s a scene where she’s in her bedroom, and she has about twenty sponge rollers crammed on her head. Talk about reality television.