Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Of Sandwiches and Country Clubs

°o° Busy day in Disney history! in 1965, plans were unveiled for the Walt Disney World Resort. Walt, Roy and the then-governor of Florida Haydon Burns held a press conference to announce “Disney World,” hitherto known within the company as “The Florida Project.” In 1980, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad had its official Grand Opening at said establishment. In 1989, The Little Mermaid was released to the public. And in 1996, Downtown Celebration officially opened.

. . . 121 days ‘till Disney . . .

Looks like there’s going to be a Sex and the City movie! Yay!

I just want to note that according to a new report, many new homes are built these days without a dining room, as buyers rank it near the bottom of spaces they consider important in a dwelling. Hah.

Gilmore Girls was much better than it has been. Lorelai and Christopher eloped in Paris... without Rory. She’s gonna flip.

Panic! at the Disco has a new video out for their latest song... it’s so strange, I don’t even know what to say. A bunch of people walking around with fish tanks on their heads. You don’t even see the band until the end of the clip, as ambulance attendants. Huh.

Jimmy Buffet filed a trademark infringement suit against someone claiming to be Jimmy Buffet’s online merchant for Margaritaville merchandise, without his permission. Kind of a cool subject to talk about in class.

In further Intro to IP news, our professor mentioned at the beginning of class that “I have to leave my phone on today; so if it rings, I apologize.” It did, and she answered crisply, “Cheyrl Meier.” I was pretty impressed, and wondering if my importance in the world will ever swell to the extent that it requires me to answer my cell phone with a short, crisp, self-confident rendition of my full name. She said, “Five minutes? Sure...” Then, like clockwork, after about five minutes, someone knocked on the door and she swung it open to admit a woman toting three trays of Jimmy John’s subs and two boxes of potato chips. She commented with a smile, “I love Jimmy John’s, don’t you? Just this week Jimmy John’s filed a lawsuit against White Hen Pantry...” apparently for infringement of Jimmy John’s registered mark for the “Country Club® Sandwich.” So we ate Country Club® sandwiches while analyzing the case as we would in an exam situation. That was a nice break in the monotony.