Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Semester Four : Class One!

Here we go again! The engine’s purring and ready to roar.

I couldn’t be live it this morning - I woke up at 6:30 instead of bounding out of bed at the usual 6am. I wonder what that means?

I was so bummed last night after I constructed my entire hammock only to have the bed part come up three feet shorter than the stand. I had been looking forward to trying it out for so long! The thing is massive, by the way. I’m not even quite sure where to put it, other than smack dab in the middle of my living room. I guess that’s just where it’s going to go. I already moved one of my green chairs into the second bedroom to make room, and I guess I’m going to have to relocate the beautiful wooden table that Dad donated.

I got my seat. I’m actually in the very back row in the far right for Cyberspace law. I was in about the third row, but then another girl walked in and snagged the far left back row, so I reconsidered. This way, I’m right by the heaters, and there’s no one to the right or behind me to aggravate me by chattering through class or spilling coffee on me (as happened in Evidence last year). Also, this is the same room that Business Associations was in, and I really don’t want to re-occupy my jinxed seat.

Today I have Cyberspace Law, Copyright Law and Corporate Taxation. I have to zip down to the bookstore after this class and try to procure my Corporate Taxation book, since it never came. Grr. I figure I’ll just buy it, read it today, and take it back for a refund.

The good news is my Copyright and Corporate classes are back-to-back in the same classroom, so I only have to duke it out early for the one seat.

I would like to take this moment to point out that it’s snowing outside. How rude, as my sister would say.

Professor Kesan, for Cyberspace law, walked in about five minutes late. He’s a bigger guy, with a Jay Leno build. Actually, he bears a striking resemblance to Jay Leno, except he has the slicked-over black hair of a Rat Pack member. He’s wearing a cobalt blue t-shirt and black dress pants under a gold dress jacket that reminds me of something a seedy Vegas card dealer’s uniform. He also has a slight Mexican accent, slight enough that he obviously immigrated early, or he’s a second-generation who picked up a slight accent from his parents. What’s interesting is (this being a cyberspace law course) we have to access the syllabus before every class and follow the links in the syllabus for our readings. It will be updated before every class and we have to be up-to-date in regards to it. He randomly calls on people, and if we’re unprepared three times under the spotlight, our grade drops an entire letter (ie, from an A- to a B-). But, no pressure.

And... this figures. Because there’s only twenty-five people in the class, he said we all need to move up to the first three rows, so I’m going to have to get here at 7:30 again on Monday. Urgmph. I’m going to be really pissed if this happens in all three of my classes today.