Wednesday, December 6, 2006

The Firing Squad: Exam #1

Well, I arrived at 7:23 this morning for my 8:30 Evidence exam, and three people beat me to the classroom! I couldn’t believe it! I always try to score the back row on the right, and now I’m stuck in the back row on the left. I guess it’s not the end of the world; and anyway, this is precisely where I sat for my Criminal Procedure exam, which was one of the best I have ever taken. I can only pray, I suppose. And anyway, I did get “my” parking spot, so I’m not totally discombobulated.... just partially.

I sure hope I do well. So far this morning I had a soda can explode in my beloved horse bag and leak all over my dutifully-compiled, color-coded outline, left the house with my Mickey Mouse slippers on instead of my boots, and had some moron from our home area code call my cell phone at 6:30 to say, “Hey, you answered the phone!” only to hang up. I’m doing well.