Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Cruel & Unusual Punishment

°o° On this day in 1947, Chip & Dale were unleashed upon the world!

I saw my first Florida quarter this morning - how cool! It has a palm tree and a ship and how in the world did we end up with a COW?!

Kid Rock & Pamela Anderson getting divorced... gee. Didn’t see that coming. As predicted, Leno had a field day. My favorite comment was how Rock will be fighting in court for visitation rights with Anderson’s chest. That’s probably accurate.

So yesterday, I’m sitting in a purportedly empty classroom and over a period of about fifteen minutes about eight students wandered in. Typically if someone opens the door and peeks in to see someone talking on a phone, they’ll beat a hasty retreat. However, these people were just marching in and plopping down. One guy even sat down right next to me, despite a plethora of vacant seats. Eventually, I heard, “Good afternoon, everyone; how was your break?” I looked up, utterly horrified, to find a professor standing in the middle of the room, addressing the handful of students. I (stupidly) inquired, “Am I in the middle of a class?” She nodded, “Yes, as a matter of fact, you are.” I apologized profusely and (hopefully) rather pointedly commented, “I wish someone would have said something” before packing my stuff at light speed and racing out like Speedy Gonzales. It was a make-up class, and for whatever reason, the lady that usually posts the schedule of that day’s classes outside each classroom neglected to do so yesterday, so I had no way of knowing about the class. I guess I should have suspected something, but I figured that people were particularly interested in sequestering themselves for the impending examination period. Sheesh.

So... exams. I have Evidence on Wednesday, Tax on Saturday (doesn’t that seem like cruel & unusual punishment?), IP on Tuesday and Business on Thursday. Thankfully, no back-to-backs.

Why does Disney stock keep falling? Why? I guess I shouldn’t be too concerned, because it will undoubtedly skyrocket on the 5th when Pirates II is released to DVD.

New Gilmore Girls tonight , yay! Yay! Yay! Rah! Rah! Rah!

I can’t believe that Nintendo DS enables people in different states to play against each other. It’s just mind-boggling to me. And to think that, once upon a time, I was totally enchanted with Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego’s gritty, immobile graphics . I am so, so relieved it actually worked.