Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Day One: Course Three

Now I’m in Corporate Taxation. Professor Kaye is a “visitor” (on loan from another university), and I’m kind of nervous because she’s a female.... I don’t generally do well with female professors... they’ve given me my two worst grades. Ugh. She’s got curly brown hair, the female akin of an uncoiled afro, She’s wearing grey dress pants with a silk paisley pink and gray button-down shirt. She seems nice enough so far, but a little hard-and-fast with the rules and regulations of the university, seeing as she’s a visitor... although, this is just a first impression. She’s got that tidy, let’s organize sense to her voice that always makes me cringe. The same voice that overzealous secretaries have. But, whatever; she seems nice enough. I guess I’ll withhold judgment. I do have to give her major kudos, because she passed out photocopies of the first fifty pages of the textbook for all of us who were unable to purchase one from the bookstore. They only ordered NINE textbooks, and there’s 28 people in the class. “Imagine them not thinking that many students would be interested in a corporate taxation course,” she smiled. So the photocopy will hold me until I can pick up the book this weekend.

This course is going to kick my butt.