Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Anyone for Tennis?

Last night I drove around until I located the tennis center, It’s a nice place, with lots of indoor and outdoor courts, located right next to the cows. I imagine that outdoor games when the wind is soaring in a particular direction would be less than pleasant.

I walked in and went right up to the lady behind the counter, inquiring about shoes that I might use on the courts. “I’m playing in a tournament tomorrow night for the first time....” and she jumped in, “Oh!” and remembered me instantly. It turned out to be the lady I spoke to on the phone. She helped me scout out some tennis shoes, and I wound up purchasing a size NINE. It’s really strange - all the 10’s were too big, and even the 9.5’s wobbled when I tried to stop quickly (to test the shoes, I put them on to run and jump up and down the hallway).

I was talking to a girl before my copyright class and she inquired as to my schedule. After I recounted my classes, she commented, “That’s a pretty hefty lineup.” Now I’m nervous. Is it too hefty of a lineup? Am I doomed? I sure hope not.

I got a notice from my apartment complex that rates will be increasing next year, unless I renew my lease before a particular day in February. I guess I ought to do that.

Boy, I’m exhausted. I don’t know how I’m going to play tonight, and I was so looking forward to it. I thought about going home and taking a nap, but then maybe I won’t sleep tonight....?