Monday, February 5, 2007


°o° On this day in 1934, Ingersoll patented the first Mickey Mouse watch!
(Peter Pan was also released in 1953, but I really did not care for that movie at all...)

“You know what a Snowbird is? It’s one of the people like us who, as we were walking in to class today and our faces froze, thought, ‘Oh my God, I wish I were in Florida.’” - Professor Beckett

It was so cold this morning, the parking meters would not accept money. I’m not kidding. I called the little “help” number on the meter and they said if I received a ticket, I should just call back tomorrow and they’d nullify it. I tried four different meters... so looks like a free day of parking for me! I’ll take that.

I’m so glad I have garage. It was 21 on my car thermometer this morning when I pulled out. By the time I hit the main road it was at -5. But it was so nice that my car had some decent temperatures to “sleep” in.

I’m so bummed my hammock didn’t pan out.