Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Candles and Cake?

“Is there a defense lawyer in the house?” People in the White Collar Crime class are sure quick to go after the poor corporations and corporate officers. Back off, people.

At tennis last night, one of the ladies said, “Where are you from? You look exotic, with those beautiful dark eyes.” Hmm.

With the justification that it’s my day and I can waste my time if I so desire, I took an hour this afternoon to play Animal Crossing. I know, I know, I know, it’s a waste of time, but I really enjoy playing and hey, why not. Well, I started the game, and when I checked my mail, every character in the game had sent me a birthday card with a present! And then, when I went into my house, one of the characters came over and delivered a birthday cake! How cute is that?!

Well, usually on Thursdays (or departure days) I pack my car in the morning and stay at school all day, ready to leave as soon as my last class ends. But I don’t know what to do with my guitar. I can’t keep it in the car all day in the cold because it will warp, but I can’t very well take it in to school with me, either. Hmm. Maybe I can just borrow one at home?

Well, I got all the problems I did in Corporate Taxation right. Rah! Rah! Rah! It’s still going to kick my butt, though....