Thursday, February 22, 2007


°o° On this day in 1996, was launched!

I would like to say I am not the most insane Disney elder by any stretch of the imagination. There’s a guy who spent a night in the Cinderella Suite yet has no family or children. Ha.

This morning I walked down my stairs, turned the corner and SPLAT, slid on a thin glean of ice like some wide-eyed wolf tumbling through the air pursuant to stepping on a banana peel in a Tex Avery cartoon. Boom, down on all fours, feeling like a knob with giant splatches of wet on each knee. Then - then! - I get to school, and it happens again. This time I went down on my face and landed on my elbows, but thankfully I wasn’t toting any cargo, so it wasn’t as disasterous as it could have been. It’s really quite dangerous outside. Cars attempting to stop at lights or signs are frequently sliding a good four feet before managing their objective