Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Lighting Flashes...

°o° Eight Days until Florida!

“Has anyone here seen the movie Casablanca? Those who have not should run out and see it right away, as it is the greatest movie of all time.” - Professor Maggs (copyright)

Well, it finally happened - I’m sitting in Cyberlaw and the thunder is booming! It’s rattling the walls and foundation of the building; yee-haw!

On Wednesday, we’re going to the Urbana court house to watch a case for White Collar Crime.

I got the strangest e-mail today. Apparently the director of financial aid at the school got a call today from a lawyer in Milwaukee who represents a client that wishes to pay some of my tuition for next year, but wishes to remain anonymous. He needed my permission to confirm I was a student at the law school and begin making arrangements with the business office. Are you kidding? Like I would say no! Who could it be, though? Who in the world? And how do I send them flowers? I could recreate Coming to America, sprinkling rose petals to make a path wherever the person walked.

I guess I shouldn’t count my chickens, because it hasn’t happened yet. It probably will fall through, or the person will forget, or lose their fortune, or something. But it sure would be wonderful.