Monday, April 2, 2007

... and Technicolor Dreams

°o° On this day in 1943, Private Pluto was released. This is significant because it featured the first appearance of Chip and Dale!

°o° Nine Days until Florida!

“Here’s an interesting piece of news: Germany is short of rabbis. Gee. I wonder what could have happened to cause that?” - Jay Leno

Crystal clear outside and 75. That’s the good news. The bad news is I refuse to turn on the AC in my apartment pursuant to our insane energy rate hikes, and it’s going to be hot tonight. Tomorrow we get the mid-60’s, and then dip down to the low 40’s on Wednesday and Thursday, ugh.

But spring has certainly sprung. A ll the cherry blossoms are blooming, bursting forth as though winter had never swept through with its ruthless procession of heinous conditions. The tulips and daffodils are in full force, thrusting proudly through the dirt and the muck and the barren patches left by errant shovels and plows that couldn’t find their way in the depths of the snow. The grass is a bright emerald green, gleaming like the product of a Technicolor assault. Speaking of, did you know Walt Disney held the patent on Technicolor? That’s why he had the monopoly on early color cartoons. Well, he certainly deserved it.

The school still hasn’t issued a class list for the fall semester, and registration is less than a week away. How are we supposed to deliberate and pathologically second-guess ourselves, without sufficient time? Sheesh.