Monday, August 6, 2007

...and The List Shrinks by Two

°o° On this day in 1970, “hippies” and “radical yippies” tried to take over Disneyland when seven hundred and fifty of them infiltrated the park. Before a major confrontation or riot could arise, a platoon of Anaheim police officers in full riot gear poured into the park from the backstage areas. From this day forward, Disneyland would enforce a “dress code” at the park. This marks the only time that an outside security force ever made a full-blown appearance in the Anaheim park.

I recently had the opportunity to check two items off of my List of Things to Do Before I Die: visit the Walk of Fame outside Raumen’s Chinese Theater in LA and see Sleeping Beauty’s Castle at Disneyland. As to the former, I absolutely adore the city, and the fact that it seems to never “sleep.” For the latter, I have created a separate compare/contrast post. Even after visiting Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive and Sunset Boulevard, I was positively bounding out of my skin in enthusiasm to enter the Disneyland grounds. I still can’t believe I got there! Yahoo!!!