Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Year Three :: Day Three : Class Five

I’m in Insurance Law now and three people sitting in front of me have all loaded their AIM programs and are IM’ing each other frantically. Then one of them will laugh and look at the other and guys, could this be more obvious? Tone it down a touch, hmm?

As I was walking in, I noticed Professor Smith is teaching section A Property to the poor, hapless 1Ls right before my course. I sent him an e-mail reminiscing about my very first Property course and his reference to Monty Python; he’s my absolute favorite. I also slipped in a pointed remark about my eager anticipation of his spring Trademark/Unfair Competition course, in the hope that he will not cancel it. That will be my last Intellectual Property course that I’ve been lusting after… hopefully the times will pan out.

And now for something completely different… I am still in mourning for the Gilmore Girls. I realize this is a Wednesday, not a Tuesday, but it’s a retroactive sentiment.